Camping 2 days 1 night on Pergansingan Hill highlights
Pergansingan Hill is included in the Mount Rinjani National Park area, the location of the entrance is in East Lombok to be precise in Sembalun village not far from the entrance to Anak Dara and Nanggi Hills
The view offered from the top of Pergansingan is not much different from other hills in Sembalun village, namely the beauty of the view of Mount Rinjani, Sembalun Village, wide and green rice field
The top of this hill is about 1670 masl, but if measured from the surface, the height is only about 900 meters. The hiking trail is not as difficult as other hills, it only takes 1.5 hours for climbers to reach the top by passing a path that is not too steep, to get a sunset at this peak, we will climb no later than 3 pm
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